
McCain announces endorsement!

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain (R-AZ) waved down a crowd of supporters at his whistle-stop tour of northern Minnesota and officially endorsed KAXE as the best community radio station in the entire USA. "People just don't understand the value of KAXE. They bring the people and communities of northern Minnesota and beyond national, local and regional news ... plus music that moves your soul. I love Martin Sexton!" said McCain.

It's the American way .. pledge to KAXE today.


Anonymous said...

Wow - that's the smartest thing I've heard from McCain...

Anonymous said...

Imagine: the Straight Talk Express, barrelling down the highway, radio tuned to KAXE. Right.

Anonymous said...

it could happen!

Anonymous said...

not an endorsement i would seek

Anonymous said...

Hey, I love Martin Sexton, too!

Anonymous said...

Just proves my theory. Old people like talking about birds and such.